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Don't let Alloy facts make your specs a fiction

I’ve recently done a lot of work in Alloy and it’s got me thinking about a common specification pitfall. Everything in the main post applies to all formal specifications, everything in dropdowns is for experienced Alloy users.

Consider a simple model of a dependency tree. We have a set of top-level dependencies for our program, which have their own dependencies, etc. We can model it this way in Alloy:

sig Package {
  , depends_on: set Package

run {some depends_on}

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I’m going to use a slightly different model for the next example:

abstract sig Package {
  , depends_on: set Package

lone sig A, B extends Package {}

run {some depends_on}

I do things this way because it gives visualizations with A and B instead of Package$0 and Package$1. Alloy has built-in enums but they don’t play nice with the rest of the language (you can’t extend them or give them fields).

If we look through some of the generated examples, we see something odd: a package can depend on itself!

A depends on B, B depends on... B?

These kinds of nonsensical situations arise often when we’re specifying, because we have an intent of what the system should be but don’t explicitly encode it. When this happens, we need to add additional constraints to prevent it. For this reason, Alloy has a special “fact” keyword:1

fact no_self_deps {
    all p: Package {
       p not in p.depends_on 

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You can write the same fact purely relationally:

fact {
    no depends_on & iden

In general, the model checker evaluates purely-relational expressions much faster than quantified expressions. This can make a big difference in large models!

Alloy will not generate any models that violate a fact, nor will it look for invariant violations in them. It’s a “fact of reality” and doesn’t need to be explored at all.

The pitfall of facts

“No self-deps” is a great example of a fact. It’s also an example of a terrible fact. Beginners often make this mistake where they use facts to model the system, which quickly leads to problems.

Consider the real system for a second, not the spec. Where do the package manager dependencies come from? Usually a plain text file like package.json or Cargo.toml. What if someone puts manually a self-dependency in that file? Presumably, you want the package manager to detect the self-dep and reject the input as an error. How do you know the error-handling works? By having the checker verify that it accepts valid manifests and rejects ones with self-loops.

Except it can’t test the rejection because we told it not to generate any self-dependencies. Our fact made the self-deps unrepresentable.

Normally in programming languages, “making illegal states unrepresentable” (MISU) is a good thing (1 2 3 4). But specification covers both the software you are writing and the environment the software is running in, the machine and the world. If you cannot represent the illegal state, you cannot represent the world creating an illegal state that your software needs to handle.

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There is a technique to make invalid states representable in the world but not in the machine: refinement. The link goes to a TLA+ explanation but the same principle works in Alloy too: write an abstract spec without MISU, write an implementation spec with it, then show that the implementation refines the abstract spec. But you’ll do this with signatures and predicates, not with facts.

Instead of facts, you want predicates. Then you can test for the predicate being true or check that it’s necessary to get other properties. Make the constraint explicit instead of implicit.

// instead of

fact no_self_deps {/*body*/}

run {some_case}
check {some_property}

// do

pred no_cycles {/*body*/}

run {
  no_cycles and some_case

check {no_cycles implies some_property}

Predicates have the additional benefit of being “locally scoped”: if you have three facts and want to check a model with only two of them, you have to comment the third fact out.

When to use facts

So where should we use facts? When does it make sense to universally enforce constraints, when doing so could potentially weaken our model?

First, facts are useful for narrowing the scope of a problem. “No self-deps” is a perfectly reasonable fact if we’re only specifying the package installer and something else is responsible for validating the manifests. Writing the as a fact makes it clear to the reader that we’re not supposed to validate the manifest. This means we don’t make any guarantees if the assumption is false.

Second, facts rule out fundamentally uninteresting cases. Say I’m modeling linked lists:

sig Node {
  next: lone Node //lone: 0 or 1

This generates regular lists and lists with cycles, which are interesting to me. I don’t want to constrain away either case. But it also generates models with two disjoint lists. If I only care about single linked lists, I can eliminate extra lists with a fact:

fact one_list {
    some root: Node | root.*next = Node

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one_list also rules out “two link lists that merge into one”. If that’s something you want to keep, use the graph module:

open util/graph[Node]

fact {

Similarly, you can use facts to eliminate extraneous detail. If I’m modeling users and groups, I don’t want any empty groups. I’d add a fact like Users.groups = Group.

Third, you can use constraints to optimize a slow model. This is usually through symmetry breaking.

Finally, you can use facts to define necessary relationships that Alloy can’t can’t express natively. In the project I worked on, we had Red and Blue nodes in our graph. Red nodes had at least one edge to another node, Blue nodes had at most one. We wrote this as

abstract sig Node {

sig Red extends Node {
  edge: some Node

sig Blue extends Node {
  edge: lone Node

But then we couldn’t write generic predicates on nodes that use edge, because Alloy treated it as a type error. Instead we wrote it with a fact:

abstract sig Node {
  edge: set Node

sig Blue, Red extends Node {}

fact {
  all r: Red  | some r.edge
  all r: Blue | lone r.edge

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Okay, one more (rather niche) use case. Say you have a temporal model and a canonical spec predicate for system behavior. Then a lot of your assertions look like

module main

// spec

check {spec => always (prop1)}
check {spec => always (prop2)}

// etc

You can clean this up a lot by exporting all of properties to properties.als and writing it like this:

open main

fact {spec}

check {always (prop1)}
check {always (prop2)}
// etc


Constraints are dangerous because you need error states in order to check that your program avoids error states.

If you’re interested in learning more about Alloy, there’s a good book here and I maintain some reference documentation. I’m also working on a new Alloy workshop. I ran an alpha test last month and plan to run a beta test later this summer. Sign up for my newsletter to stay updated!

Thanks for Jay Parlar and Lorin Hochstein for feedback. If you liked this post, come join my newsletter! I write new essays there every week.

I train companies in formal methods, making software development faster, cheaper, and safer. Learn more here.

  1. In other specification languages this is usually either a runtime constraint (like in TLA+) or a direct modification to the system spec itself. [return]