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Composing TLA+ Specifications with State Machines

Last year a client asked me to solve a problem: they wanted to be able to compose two large TLA+ specs as part of a larger system. Normally you’re not supposed to do this and instead write one large spec with both systems hardcoded in, but these specs were enormous and had many internal invariants of their own. They needed a way to develop the two specs independently and then integrate them with minimal overhead.

This is what I came up with. Warning: this is a complex solution is aimed at advanced TLA+ users. For a much (much) gentler introduction, check out my website learntla.

The example

Let’s start by giving a motivating system: a Worker sends an authentication request to a Server. If the password matches the server’s internal password, the server responds “valid”, otherwise it responds “invalid”. If the worker receives “invalid” as a response, it goes into an error state. The worker can retry from that state and submit a new authentication request.

The worker and server have shared state via the request/response. As an additional complication, we’ll add internal state to the server, in the form of a request log that is hidden from the worker.

We can use this example to show the problems of composition and my solution (though I’ll say the example is a little too simple to make it worthwhile).

The problem with composition

What we want is for the composition to be as simple and painless as possible. If our specs are WorkerSpec and ServerSpec, the easiest composition would just be

CombinedSpec == WorkerSpec /\ ServerSpec

I talk about the problems we have in-depth here, but the gist is that if ServerSpec and WorkerSpec are “normal” specs, they’ll place contradictory constraints on the shared variables.

For example, WorkerSpec will likely read the server response, but not modify it. So to run WorkerSpec independently of the composition, we have to say the response never changes, which is equivalent to saying we can’t change it, which makes it impossible for ServerSpec to send a response!

The normal way around this is to break apart both WorkerSpec and ServerSpec into collections of actions, and then carefully stitch them together in non-contradictory ways. Which is about as complex as it sounds: composing two specs can be as much work as writing them in the first place.

This is why I’m trying to find a better way.

The big idea

What we need to do is write specs intended to represent part of the world and then incorporate them into a “whole world” main spec. To do this, we’ll use one of TLA+’s most powerful features: we can use x' to both assign the next value to x and constrain what the next value can be. Say we have


Foo == 
  /\ x' \in {0, 1}
  /\ y' \in {0, 1}

Bar == x' < y'

Next == Foo /\ Bar

When TLC evaluates Next, it reads x' and y' in Foo as assignments. There are four possible assignments, so the model checker evaluates them all.

Then, since x' and y' are already chosen, TLC reads the statement in Bar as a constraint. Three of the possible assignments break that constraint, so TLC eliminates those possibilities, leaving us with a unique next state.

This means that a Spec Q can take two specs, X and Y, and constrain them against each other. X can have an action Inc that increments x_log, and then Q says that Inc can only happen if y_flag is true. Similarly, Q can make one assignment trigger another:

Inc == 
  /\ x_log' = x_log + 1

Sync ==
  IF ~y_flag /\ y_flag' 
  THEN Inc 

Next == (X!Next \/ Y!Next) /\ Sync

Now, changing y_flag to true forces an increment in x_log. Q is using one spec to drive side-effects in the system.

This is just a state machine! Constraints on transitions are just guard clauses and assignments on transitions are just effects. These can be enforced on other specifications that the state machine doesn’t know about.

Here’s how to make this idea work in practice:

  1. Write an abstract state machine for all of the high-level state transitions of the core component
  2. Write the other components as “open” specs that don’t fully describe their next states.
  3. Refine the core component into the main spec, with a Sync action that adds guards and side-effects to the state transitions.

The Solution

We’ll model this with three separate specs: workerSM.tla, server.tla, and system.tla.

The state machine

Since the whole system is based around the worker’s state machine, let’s start with workerSM.tla. This won’t represent what happens when the worker transitions states, just what the transitions are.

------------------- MODULE workerSM -------------------
EXTENDS Integers


Transitions == {
    [from |-> "init", to |-> "ready"]
    , [from |-> "ready", to |-> "requesting"]
    , [from |-> "requesting", to |-> "done"]
    , [from |-> "requesting", to |-> "error"]
    , [from |-> "error", to |-> "ready"]

Init == state = "init"

Valid(t) == state = t.from
ValidTransitions == {t \in Transitions: Valid(t)}
ValidOutcomes == { : t \in ValidTransitions}

Done ==
    state = "done"

Next ==
    \E t \in ValidOutcomes:
        state' = t

Fairness == 
    /\ WF_state(Next)
    /\ SF_state(state' = "done")

Spec == Init /\ [][Next]_state /\ Fairness
Liveness == <>Done


Transitions represents the set of valid transitions. The three Valid- operators are just helpers. Adding them is good practice; most TLA+ specs don’t have enough helpers.

The Fairness constraint is a little complex, but all it’s saying is that we can’t always transition from requesting to error. If we get there often enough, we’ll eventually transition to done instead.

Otherwise this spec doesn’t put any conditions on the transfers: we don’t need to “do anything” to go to done. That’s what system.tla is for.

show cfg

I used this to directly test the worker.



It passes, meaning this spec guarantees <>Done.

Next, the outside component we’ll integrate with the worker.

The server

------------------- MODULE server -------------------

VARIABLE req, resp, log

internal == <<log>>             \* (a)
external == <<req, resp>>       \* (a)
vars == <<external, internal>>  \* (a)

Init == 
    /\ req = NULL
    /\ resp = NULL
    /\ log = {}

CheckRequest ==
    /\ req # NULL
    /\ log' = log \union {req}
    /\ IF req = Password THEN
         resp' = "valid"
         resp' = "invalid"
    /\ req' = NULL

Next == \* (b) 

Spec == Init /\ [][Next]_internal \* (c)

We’re doing three unusual things in this spec. First is that we split the variables into internal and external vars (a). External vars represent state that’s shared with other parts of the composed specification, while internal only pertains to the server’s properties. Here we represent requests to the server with req and responses with resp.

Second, the spec will trivially deadlock (b). Next only contains the CheckRequest action, CheckRequest is only enabled if req isn’t null, but nothing in the spec makes req not-null. This spec isn’t “self-contained”, and it needs to be used by another specification to be meaningful.

Third, Spec is only stuttering invariant with respect to internal variables. This is done by writing [][Next]_internal instead of [][Next]_vars (c). This is the easiest part to miss but will make both spec composition and spec refinement easier down the line.

Now let’s put the server and the worker together.

The system

This is by far the most complex part. Let’s start with the whole spec, and then cover a breakdown of the most important sections.

system spec
---- MODULE system ----
EXTENDS TLC, Integers, Sequences
VARIABLES ws \* worker state
 , server_req \* requests to server
 , server_resp \* server response
 , server_log \* log (internal to server)

Strings == {"a", "b", "c"}

comm_vars == <<server_req, server_resp>>
vars == <<ws, server_log, comm_vars>>

Worker == INSTANCE workerSM WITH state <- ws

Server == INSTANCE server WITH 
  req <- server_req,
  resp <- server_resp,
  log <- server_log,
  Password <- "a"

Sync ==
    LET i == <<ws, ws'>> IN
    /\ CASE
            i = <<"ready", "requesting">> ->
            /\ \E x \in Strings:
                /\ server_req' = x
            /\ server_resp' = NULL
        []  i = <<"requesting", "error">> ->
            /\ server_resp = "invalid"
            /\ UNCHANGED comm_vars
        []  i = <<"requesting", "done">> ->
            /\ server_resp = "valid"
            /\ UNCHANGED comm_vars
        [] OTHER -> UNCHANGED comm_vars

Init ==
    /\ Worker!Init
    /\ Server!Init

Done == \* No deadlock on finish
    /\ Worker!Done
    /\ UNCHANGED vars

ServerNext ==
    /\ Server!Next
    /\ UNCHANGED ws

WorkerNext ==
    /\ Worker!Next
    /\ Sync
    /\ UNCHANGED server_log

Next == 
    \/ WorkerNext
    \/ ServerNext
    \/ Done

Fairness == 
    /\ WF_vars(Next) 

Spec == Init /\ [][Next]_vars /\ Fairness 

RefinesServer == Server!Spec
RefinesWorker == Worker!Spec


VARIABLES ws \* worker state
 , server_req \* requests to server
 , server_resp \* server response
 , server_log \* log (internal to server)

Strings == {"a", "b", "c"}

comm_vars == <<server_req, server_resp>>
vars == <<ws, server_log, comm_vars>>

I like to group my vars by purpose and spec. Since both the server and the worker use server_req and _resp, I put them in a separate comm_vars grouping.

Worker == INSTANCE workerSM WITH state <- ws

Server == INSTANCE server WITH 
  req <- server_req,
  resp <- server_resp,
  log <- server_log,
  Password <- "a"

I hard-coded the server’s Password constant for pedagogical convenience. We don’t have to instantiate the NULL constant because it’s the same name in both system.tla and server.tla, so it propagates automatically.

Sync ==
  \* See next section

Init ==
    /\ Worker!Init
    /\ Server!Init

ServerNext ==
    /\ Server!Next
    /\ UNCHANGED ws

WorkerNext ==
    /\ Worker!Next
    /\ Sync
    /\ UNCHANGED server_log

Done == \* No deadlock on finish
    /\ Worker!Done
    /\ UNCHANGED vars

Next == 
    \/ WorkerNext
    \/ ServerNext
    \/ Done
  • Init just shells out to both Worker!Init and Server!Init to set up their respective variables. It’s easy here because they don’t share any variables. If there was something that they both used or if system needed any extra booking variables, I’d handle them specially here.

  • ServerNext just says “the server can handle its own state updates”, but accounts for ws stuttering (because every variable needs to be assigned a value on every step). The server is independently active in the system and its behavior doesn’t synchronously depend on the worker. Keeping the components separate isn’t always possible when composing, but it makes things more convenient when applicable.

  • WorkerNext is the same: it behaves independently of ServerNext. But here’s where the “system” starts to play a role, in Sync.


Sync is where things get interesting.

Sync ==
    LET i == <<ws, ws'>> IN
          i = <<"ready", "requesting">> ->
          /\ \E x \in Strings:
              server_req' = x
          /\ server_resp' = NULL
      []  i = <<"requesting", "error">> ->
          /\ server_resp = "invalid"
          /\ UNCHANGED comm_vars
      []  i = <<"requesting", "done">> ->
          /\ server_resp = "valid"
          /\ UNCHANGED comm_vars
      [] OTHER -> UNCHANGED comm_vars

To recap the earlier explanation, primed variables can be used in other expressions after being assigned. This means we can attempt a transition in one action and then check if the transition is valid in a later action. This is the key to making this all work. Without this, we’d have to put the guards and side effects in the same action as the transitions. For example, in this line:

      []  i = <<"requesting", "error">> ->
          /\ server_resp = "invalid"
          /\ UNCHANGED comm_vars

We are constraining the requesting -> error transition to only be possible if the server response was “invalid”. That’s only possible if Server!Next rejected the password. But our worker doesn’t need to know this. We can develop them independently and rely on the Sync to correctly compose their behaviors.

We can also use this to drive effects on the system:

      []  i = <<"ready", "requesting">> ->
          /\ \E x \in Strings:
              server_req' = x
          /\ server_resp' = NULL

This makes a ready -> requesting transition also trigger a request (and clear any outstanding response). This then enables Server!CheckRequest, which enables ServerNext, so the server can react to the system.



Remember, we added all of this machinery in first place in order to compose two complex specifications together. We need to make sure we’re composing them in a way that doesn’t violate either of their own properties. That’s handled by these lines:

RefinesServer == Server!Spec
RefinesWorker == Worker!Spec

These are refinement properties. At a high level, these check that system.tla doesn’t make the Server or Worker do anything they’re not normally able to do. For example, this property would fail if we removed something from log, since that’s not possible in Server!Spec. 1

In TLA+, refinements are transitive. workerSM.tla had the liveness property <>Done. Since I already verified it in workerSM.cfg, I don’t need to test it in system.tla. If RefinesWorker passes, then Worker!Liveness is guaranteed to pass, too!

Why refinement is transitive

When we test RefinesWorker, what we’re verifying is

Spec => Worker!Spec 
(S)     (WS)

We already know from model checking workerSM.tla that

Worker!Spec => Worker!Liveness (2)
(WS)           (WL)

Implication is transitive: if S => WS and WS => WL, then S => WL.

And currently it fails:

show cfg



The error trace in VSCode. (source)

The problem is that the worker can keep picking the wrong password, so the server keeps rejecting it and the worker never completes. One fix is to say the system never retries the same password:

Sync ==
    \* ...
            /\ \E x \in Strings:
+               /\ x \notin server_log
                /\ server_req' = x

This makes the spec pass. If you’re concerned about leaking the server’s internal log to the system, you can add a log to the worker, too, either in system.tla or in a separate component that you include in the Sync.2 An alternative fix uses a strong fairness constraint:

Sync ==
    \* ...
            /\ \E x \in Strings:
-               /\ x \notin server_log
                /\ server_req' = x

Fairness == 
    /\ WF_vars(Next) 
+   /\ SF_vars(WorkerNext /\ server_req' = "a")

This says that if it’s always-eventually possible to execute WorkerNext in a way that sends the right password, the spec eventually will. This makes the spec pass without changing the essential logic of the system.

Closing the open world

One last thing we need to do: make server.tla model-checkable. We can’t test it directly because it’s not a “closed” specification: it relies on some other spec to send requests. For more complex specs we want to be able to test that spec’s properties independently of the composition.

Fortunately, this is an “already solved problem” in the TLA+ community: refine the open spec into a closed one. We do this with a new file MCserver.tla:

---- MODULE MCserver ----

Strings == {"a", "b", "c"}
ASSUME Password \in Strings

MCInit == Init

WorldNext ==
    /\ \E x \in Strings:
        req' = x
    /\ UNCHANGED <<log, resp>>

MCNext ==
    \/ Next
    \/ WorldNext

MCSpec == MCInit /\ [][MCNext]_vars

This augments the server with an external World that can send requests. Now we can test the behavior of server.tla by model checking MCserver.tla.

show cfg
    Password = "b"

If you’re on the VSCode TLA+ extension nightly, running the “Check model with TLC” command on server.tla will automatically run the model checker with MCserver.tla. It also comes with a TLA+ debugger. The VSCode extension is great.

Advantages and Drawbacks

This is a lot of work! So why do this instead writing one large spec?

The point of composing specs at all is so we can work on them independently. It’s not a big deal when each spec is ~30 lines, but when they’re each 200+ lines, you can’t just rewrite them as one spec.

So let’s compare it to a more conventional approach to composition. I’ll use the MongoDB Raft composition, which Murat Demirbas analyzes here. The independent specs are MongoStaticRaft and MongoLoglessDynamicRaft, which composed together in MongoRaftReconfig. The Next for MongoStaticRaft looks like this:

\* MongoStaticRaft

Next == 
    \* (a)
    \/ \E s \in Server : ClientRequest(s)
    \* etc
    \* (b)
    \/ \E s \in Server : \E Q \in Quorums(config[s]) : BecomeLeader(s, Q)
    \* etc

While the compositional Next looks like this:

\* MongoRaftReconfig
Next == 
    \/ OSMNext /\ UNCHANGED csmVars
    \/ CSMNext /\ UNCHANGED osmVars
    \/ JointNext

OSMNext == 
    \* (a)
    \/ \E s \in Server : OSM!ClientRequest(s)
    \* etc

JointNext == 
    \* (b)
    \/ \E i \in Server : \E Q \in Quorums(config[i]) : 
        /\ OSM!BecomeLeader(i, Q)
        /\ CSM!BecomeLeader(i, Q)
    \* etc

The actions under (a) must be manually repeated in OSMNext, while the actions under (b) must be be carefully interlaced with the other spec under JointNext. This is the standard way of composing two specs, which gets progressively more difficult the more specs you need to integrate. It’s also hard to check refinements in this paradigm.

I’m trying to avoid both issues with my Sync-based approach. Each component already has its own Next that we can use without changes. Anything that affects shared variables is handled by the additional Sync operator.

Would this spec benefit from my approach? I don’t know. I designed the approach for a primary “machine” interacting with external components, where here the two specs are on equal footing. I have a sketch for what the conversion would look like, but I don’t know if it’s necessarily better.

Sketch of changes

This is all without adding an extra state machine. Pick one “primary” spec, say CSM. Spec then becomes

Next == 
    \/ OSMNext
    \/ CSMNext

OSMNext ==
    /\ OSM!Next
    /\ UNCHANGED <<csmVars>>
    /\ UNCHANGED <<sharedVars>> \* new op

CSMNext ==
    /\ CSM!Next
    /\ Sync
    /\ UNCHANGED <<osmVars>>

We need to add sharedVars to OSMNext so it doesn’t call OSM!BecomeLeader on its own— that needs to happen through Sync. sharedVars will share some variables in common with with csmVars and osmVars.

Sync would look similar to JointNext:

Sync ==
    \/ \E i \in Server : \E Q \in Quorums(config[i]) : 
        /\ OSM!BecomeLeader(i, Q)
        /\ CSM!BecomeLeader(i, Q)
    \/ \* ...
    \/ UNCHANGED <<sharedVars>>

It annoys me that we’re repeating CSM!BecomeLeader in both CSMNext and Sync, but it’s the most straightforward way to ensure that both OSM and CSM use the same values for i and Q. I figured out some ways to deduplicate this but they all rely on creative misuse of TLA+ semantics.

My prediction is that conventional composition works for a wider variety of cases, but the Sync is more maintainable and scales better in the cases where it does work.

Neither approach handles the “one-to-many” case well. That’s where you have a spec for a single worker and try to use it to add N workers, where N is a model parameter. I discuss why this is so difficult in my article Using Abstract Data Types in TLA+.


This is a powerful technique, but also one that takes experience and adds complexity. It’s good if you need to write a very large specification or need a library of reusable components. For smaller specifications, I’d recommend the standard technique of putting all of the components in one spec.

This was developed for a consulting client and worked beautifully. I’m excited to share it with all of you! If you liked this, you can read other advanced TLA+ techniques here, like how to make model-checking faster..

Thanks to Murat Demirbas and Andrew Helwer for feedback. If you liked this post, come join my newsletter! I write new essays there every week.

I train companies in formal methods, making software development faster, cheaper, and safer. Learn more here.

Appendix: Sync without primes

Some company styleguides forbid using primed variables as an expression in later actions. In that case, you can get the same effect like this:

-Sync ==
-   LET i == <<ws, ws'>> IN
+Sync(t) ==
+   LET i == <<t.from,>> IN

+Do(t) ==
+    /\ ws = t.from
+    /\ ws' =  

WorkerNext ==
-   /\ Worker!Next
-   /\ Sync
+   /\ \E t \in Worker!ValidTransitions:
+       /\ Do(t)
+       /\ Sync(t)
    /\ UNCHANGED server_log

Do(t) is effectively just emulating the behavior of Worker!Next, except it lets us “save” the transition we use and pass it into Sync.

This is also useful for preserving parameters passed into an action, which is sometimes necessary for composition.

  1. This is why we needed to write Server!Spec as [][Next]_internal and not [][Next]_vars. Server!Next only needs to hold for the internal variables, not the shared ones! [return]
  2. I had a long section on composition via multilayer refinement: system.tla refines worker.tla refines workerSM.tla. But it ended up being too complex to thoroughly explain. Maybe that’ll be a part 2! [return]